1st graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a fun time jumping, dancing, playing, and eating pizza on Friday!! #teamAES

5th graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a field trip to Outdoor Adventures in Winona! They had a great time on their trip! #teamAES

Kindergarten students at Ackerman Elementary School have been learning about chickens through the Hatch-Out program at MSU. Mrs. Ashley Williams brought a special visitor today! #teamAES

3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a kickball tournament today! Students competed in teams and made their way through the tournament bracket. The blue and sea foam teams- Mr. Richardson’s class won! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School would like to thank the Ackerman 20th Century Club for hosting an art contest for the students! The students did a great job! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School would like to wish Mrs. Darby from Blue Mountain College the best as she finishes her student teaching and moves on to her own classroom. Best of luck! #teamAES

Mrs. Woodward’s and Mrs. Hunt’s 1st graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a game of bingo and knockout! #teamAES

3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed eating lunch with a friend. They brought passes at the PBIS store! #teamAES

Congratulations to Keegan Goss and Huck Mchan at Ackerman Elementary School who mastered all of their multiplication facts for the year! They received lunch as a reward! #teamAES

Mr. Richardson had large group of students who mastered all of their multiplication facts this year! Great job students! #teamAES

5th graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time at their field day! They have worked hard this year and had a great time today! #teamAES

1st graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time at their field day! The students have worked extremely hard this year and had a great time today! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - Be on the lookout for videos on Monday, May 17th for students in 1st through 5th grade. We are so excited and proud of our students! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - Students may wear hats on May 14th for $1! #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time at their Tailgate AR Party! Games, free time, popcorn, face painting and more, were rewards for these students who have worked very hard on their reading! #teamAES

Mrs. Erwin’s and Mrs. Joni McCulloch’s classes at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a fun day outside to celebrate all the hard work they did this year! #teamAES

6th graders at Ackerman Elementary School were treated to a graduation lunch today! The cafeteria staff did a great job on the food and drinks, and Mrs. Loper made a delicious cake! #teamAES

Students at Ackerman Elementary School purchased passes to complete morning duty from the PBIS store. They did a great job today! #teamAES

After reading Charlotte’s Web, 3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School in Ms. Wehr’s class did a STEM activity building a pig pen for Wilbur. #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed eating lunch with a friend. These students purchased passes from the PBIS store! #teamAES